As of yesterday Mystery Baby is not a mystery anymore. HE even had a costume for Halloween. Doesn't he look sort of freaky?
After 4 different checks for gender by the doctor we figured it out. One was a "does that look like a hamburger?", the other 3 were "That looks suspicious." My doctor tends to be vague, can you tell?. KC said, "More like a hot dog then, right." That's more specific. In the end we all agreed, boy #3 is on his way. We are keeping up a tradition as well, since KC grew up in a house of 3 boys as did his father.
There are other important things to check on the first ultrasound besides looking for boy or girl parts. There was the counting of the body parts, (Yup, 2 arms and 2 legs.) checking the head and spine, counting 4 chambers on the heart, and the measurements. I love the measurements part. That was when I first got an idea that Andrew and Isaac would be tall. Their femur measurements were always on the larger side. I worry for this baby though. His measurement was average. Fifty something percentile. Maybe he'll hit a growth spurt the next few months. Keep your fingers crossed for him.
P.S. - Name ideas anyone. I'm fresh out of boy names.
Your Ideal Mom Life with Nikki Oden — episode 172
11 hours ago